Mini Springerdoodle Puppies Breeders: Springer Spaniel Poodle Mix
Mini Springerdoodle Puppies Breeders: Springer Spaniel Poodle Mix
What do you get when you cross the sporty English springer spaniel with the sassy poodle? The fun-loving springerdoodle! These hybrid dogs, which are often referred to as designer dogs, reflect the best traits of both parent breeds. Like springer spaniels, these dogs are active, energetic, loyal, and easy to train; like poodles, they are smart, fun-loving, and have a mischievous streak. Sproodles, as they are also called, are among the most popular of the 44 different types of poodle mixes affectionately known as “doodles.”
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Depending on the size of the parent poodle line, springerdoodles can be standard- or mini-sized. The breed is thought to have originated in the U.S. some time in the 1980s when hybrid dogs first became popular. The International Designer Canine Association first recognized the breed in 2009. If you’re looking for a pet that’s easygoing, intelligent and active, and that just loves being around people, the springerdoodle is your dog.
3 Pros and Cons of Owning Springerdoodle
Pros! Cons!
They’re sociable: They work and play well with others. They’ll hit it off as well with the letter carrier as they will with your children. These dogs are great for blended pet families, too, because they get along well with other canines and even with cats. They can be trained as therapy dogs. They’re bad watchdogs: A springerdoodle’s reaction when it sees a stranger will probably be to go up to that stranger, sniff his or her shoes, and wag its tail. They do not make good guard dogs.
They’re active: They love to exercise. If you’re someone who’s considering getting a dog because you know you need to be more active, a springerdoodle will turn spending time outside from a chore into a pleasure. They may have health issues: While hybrid vigor makes some designer dogs healthier than their breeding lines, others may not inherit the best genetic traits from their parents. If you are interested in owning a dog of this variety, it’s a good idea to make sure your pup is genetically tested to rule out the development of serious health issues down the line.
They’re hypoallergenic: One of the reasons for the increasing popularity of poodles and poodle mixes is that poodles shed less hair and dander than other dogs, so they are frequently described as hypoallergenic. If your pet inherits a non-shedding coat from its parent poodle line, then it’s likely to be hypoallergenic, too. They’re expensive: As these dogs are a relatively new mix, there are no rescue groups. If you want a springerdoodle, you’ll have to raise one from a pup. Responsible breeders put a lot of time and money into finding good breeding stock, providing quality vet care, performing genetic testing, and socializing puppies. That effort is reflected in their costs.
tan springerpoodle laying down
One of the reasons for the increasing popularity of poodles and poodle mixes is that poodles shed less hair and dander than other dogs, so they are frequently described as hypoallergenic.
Kitch Bain/
Springerdoodle vs. Goldendoodle
Another poodle hybrid called the goldendoodle shares the springerdoodle’s pleasant temperament. Goldendoodles are a mix of poodle and golden retriever lines. Both breeds are cheerful, outgoing animals who are rarely aggressive and who make great companions for young and old alike.
They both a double-layer coat composed of wavy, dense fur that sheds minimally. Both breeds come in a spectrum of colors that range from white through cream, apricot and brown to black though on the whole, goldies are lighter in color than sproodles. Like springerdoodles, goldies range in size from mini to standard, depending upon the size of the poodle bred to the golden retriever; but even as golden retrievers are larger than springer spaniels, so the typical goldie tends to be larger than the typical springerdoodle.
Springerdoodle Size and Weight
Springerdoodle size depends upon the size of the poodle line from which it was bred. Standard sproodles can weigh anywhere from 30 to 60 pounds and stand up to 24 inches in height. Mini springerdoodles weigh between 5 and 25 pounds, and are 10 to 15 inches tall. They will typically reach their full grown weight and height by 18 months of age. Females are slightly smaller than males.
Health and Entertainment for your Springerdoodle
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Height (Male): Variable, but up to 24” tall
Height (Female): Variable, but up to 22” tall
Weight (Male): Variable, but up to 60 pounds
Weight (Female): Variable, but up to 55 pounds
Springerdoodle Common Health Issues
In general, the springerdoodle is a hardy dog. However, springerdoodles can be susceptible to all the health conditions that affect their parent breeds, particularly if the parent stock was highly inbred. That means your sproodle may be at risk for developing hip dysplasia, progressive retinal apathy, Addison’s disease and thyroid issues. If at all possible, it’s advisable to do genetic testing on any puppy you’re interested in buying before you take it home. Regular vet visits throughout your dog’s lifespan should also help keep health conditions under control.
Springerdoodle Temperament
Black Mini Pyredoodle Puppies Breeders: Great Pyrenees Poodle Mix
Mini Springerdoodle Puppies Breeders: Springer Spaniel Poodle Mix
Black Cairnoodle Puppies Breeder: Cairn Terrier and Poodle Mix
Teacup Corgipoo Puppies Breeder: Corgi Poodle Mix
Poogle Dog Breed: Beagle Poodle Mix
Mini Weimardoodle Puppy Breeder: Weimaraner Poodle Mix
Mini Bolonoodle Puppies Breeders: Bolognese Poodle Mix
F1b Mini Bordoodle Puppies Breed: Border Collie Poodle Mix
Rottle Puppies Breeder: Full Grown Rottweiler Poodle Mix
Black Miniature Cockapoo Puppies Breeders
Black Teacup Maltipoo Puppies Breed
Boxerdoodle Puppies Breeder: Boxer Poodle Mix
Black Teacup Westiepoo Puppies Breeders: Westie Poodle Mix
Terrier Poodle Mix Puppies Breed Guide
Scoodle Dog Breed Information: Scottish Terrier Poodle Mix
Black Mini Newfypoo Puppies Breeders: Newfoundland Poodle Mix
Black Miniature Bernedoodle Puppies: Bernese Mountain Dog Poodle Mix
Black Mini Whoodle Dog Puppies Breed: Wheaten Terrier Poodle Mix
Black Mini Saint Berdoodle Puppies: St Bernard Poodle Mix
Black Teacup Peekapoo Puppies Breeders: Pekingese Poodle mix
Black Teacup Pomapoo Puppies Breeders: Pomeranian Podle Mix
Black Teacup Yorkie Poo Puppies Breeders: Yorkie and Poodle Mix
Black Giant Schnoodle Puppies Breed
Golden Miniature Sheepadoodle Puppies
Black Mini Cavapoo Puppies Breeders
Bidoodle Puppies Dog Breed Information
Black Miniature Australian Labradoodle Puppies
White Teacup Poodle Full Grown
Black Toy Poodle Full Grown
Small Poodle Mixes Breeds
Brown Medium Size Poodle Mix Breeds
Black Miniature Poodle Full Grown
Gigantic Giant Poodle Breeder
Black Standard Poodle Breeders
Yorkie Poodle Haircuts Styles
Different Types Of Poodles Mixes
Size Of Poodles
Moyen Poodle Size Comparison
Poodle Dog Breed Facts and Characteristics
Standard Poodle Eye Problems
Standard Poodle Eyelashes
Toy Poodle Eye Discharge
Toy Poodle With Blue Eyes
Cream Standard Poodle Puppy
White Toy Poodle Dog
Full Grown Chocolate Toy Poodle
Full Grown Brown Toy Poodle Dogs
Cafe Au Lait Standard Poodle Puppy
Brindle Standard Poodle Puppy
Silver Beige Standard Poodle
Gray Standard Poodle puppy
Blue Standard Poodle Puppy
Brown Sable Poodle Color Change
Blue Merle Poodle Puppies
Standard Poodle Hunting Cut
Toy Poodle Allergies
Can you be Allergic to a Poodle?
Are Toy Poodles Hypoallergenic Dogs?
Are Poodles Hyper?
Are Poodles Stubborn?
Are Toy Poodles Smart?
Standard Poodle Puppy Training Tricks
Are Poodles Mean?
What Does a Poodle Look Like Without a Haircut?
Are Poodles Good Guard Dogs?
Are Standard Poodles Aggressive?
Are Toy Poodles Hard to Potty Train?
Poodle Humping Issues
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Black Shih Poo Puppies Breeders (Shih Tzu and Poodle Mix)
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Poodle Temperament Problems and Behavior
Senior Poodle Care | Standard, Miniature and Toy
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How Long Do Standard Poodles Live?
Miniature Poodle Life Expectancy
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When Do Miniature Poodles Stop Growing?
When Do Standard Poodles Stop Growing?
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A Guide To The Different Types Of Poodle Noses
English Boodle Dog: English Bulldog Poodle Mix
Terripoo Dog: Australian Terrier Poodle Mix
Woodle Dog: Welsh Terrier Poodle Mix
Poo-Ton Dog: Poodle Coton De Tulear Mix
Papipoo Dog: Papillon Poodle Mix
Whipoodle: Whippet Poodle Mix
Pooghan Dog: Afgan Poodle Mix
Aki-Poo Dog: Akita Poodle Mix
Bossi-Poo Dog Breeder: Boston Terrier Poodle Mix
Giant Royal Standard Poodles
Poo-Shi Dog: Poodle Shiba Inu Mix
Portuguese Water Dog Poodle Mix
Miniature Poodle vs Standard Poodle: What’s The Difference?
Sheltidoodle: Sheltie Poodle Mix
Shar-Poo Dog: Shar-Pei & Poodle Mix
Pootalian Dog: Italian Greyhound Poodle Mix
10 Interesting Facts About Poodles
Do Poodles Get Along With Cats?
Miniature Poodle vs Toy Poodle: What’s The Difference?
Do Poodles Howl?
Do Poodles Bark A Lot?
Where, When, and How Much Should a Poodle Sleep?
Male vs Female Poodle: What Are The Differences?
Sammypoo Dog: Samoyed Poodle Mix
Brittnepoo Puppies: Brittany Spaniel Poodle Mix
How Much Does a Poodle Cost?
How Do I Help a Fat Poodle Lose Weight?
150+ Cute Poodle Names
Are Poodle Hunting Dogs?
Corded Poodle Coat
Malshipoo Puppies: Maltese Shih Tzu Poodle Mix
How To Groom Poodles At Home
Poodle and Doodle: What Is The Difference?
Mini Dalmadoodle Puppies: Dalmatian Mix With Poodle
Full Grown Morkie Poo Dog
Lhasapoo Breeder: Lhasa Apso Mix Poodle
Vizslapoo: Vizsla Poodle Mix
Chow Doodle: Chow Chow poodle mix
French Boodle Puppies: French Bulldog Poodle Mix
Pit Boodle: Pitbull Poodle Mix
Belgian Shepadoodle: Belgian Sheepdog Poodle Mix
Doberdoodle Puppies: Doberman Poodle Mix
Ttoodle Dog Breeders: Tibetan Terrier Poodle Mix
Rattle Dog Breed: Rat Terrier Poodle Mix
Broodle Griffon Puppies: Brussels Griffon & Poodle Mix
Black Jackapoo Dog Puppies: Jack Russell Poodle Mix
Black Mini Airedoodle Puppies: Airedale Terrier Poodle Mix
Black Great Danoodle Puppies: Great Dane Poodle Mix
Full Grown Pugapoo Puppies: Pug and Poodle mix
Mini Doxiepoo Puppies: Dachshund Poodle Mix
Full Grown Irish Doodle Puppies: Irish Setter Poodle Mix
Toy Aussiedoodle Puppies Breeders: Poodle Australian Shepherd Mix
Mastidoodle Puppies Breeders: Mastiff Poodle Mix
Mini Flandoodle Puppies Breeders: Bouvier des Flandres & Poodle Mix
Full Grown Eskipoo Dog Puppies
Full Grown Havapoo Puppies Breeders: Havanese Poodle Mix
Black Mini Pyredoodle Puppies Breeders: Great Pyrenees Poodle Mix
Mini Springerdoodle Puppies Breeders: Springer Spaniel Poodle Mix
Black Cairnoodle Puppies Breeder: Cairn Terrier and Poodle Mix
Teacup Corgipoo Puppies Breeder: Corgi Poodle Mix
Poogle Dog Breed: Beagle Poodle Mix
Mini Weimardoodle Puppy Breeder: Weimaraner Poodle Mix
Mini Bolonoodle Puppies Breeders: Bolognese Poodle Mix
F1b Mini Bordoodle Puppies Breed: Border Collie Poodle Mix
Rottle Puppies Breeder: Full Grown Rottweiler Poodle Mix
Miniature Cockapoo Puppies Breeders: Cocker Spaniel Mixed With Poodle
Black Teacup Maltipoo Puppies Breed: Maltese Poodle Mix
Boxerdoodle Puppies Breeder: Boxer Poodle Mix
Black Teacup Westiepoo Puppies Breeders: Westie Poodle Mix
Terrier Poodle Mix Puppies Breed Guide
Scoodle Dog Breed Information: Scottish Terrier Poodle Mix
Black Mini Newfypoo Puppies Breeders: Newfoundland Poodle Mix
Black Miniature Bernedoodle Puppies: Bernese Mountain Dog Poodle Mix
Black Mini Whoodle Dog Puppies Breed: Wheaten Terrier Poodle Mix
Black Mini Saint Berdoodle Puppies: St Bernard Poodle Mix
Black Teacup Peekapoo Puppies Breeders: Pekingese Poodle mix
Black Teacup Pomapoo Puppies Breeders: Pomeranian Podle Mix
Black Teacup Yorkie Poo Puppies Breeders: Yorkie and Poodle Mix
Black Giant Schnoodle Puppies Breed: Schnauzer Poodle Mix
Golden Miniature Sheepadoodle Puppies: Sheepdog Mixed With Poodle
Black Mini Cavapoo Puppies Breeders: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Poodle Mix
Bidoodle Puppies Dog Breed Information
Black Miniature Australian Labradoodle Puppies
White Teacup Poodle Full Grown